The Training Institute St. Vincent is a training preparing students or students at qualification for carer or nurse. The Institute is part of Saint Vincent Hospital Group (GHSV), composed in Strasbourg by the clinical Sainte-Anne, Sainte-Barbe, of All Saints and Schirmeck Clinic Saint-Luc.
It is located in the heart of the city of Strasbourg, 5 minutes walk from the train station in Strasbourg.
Training Diploma preparing state and the exercise of the nursing profession b> involves the acquisition of skills to meet the health needs of people within a pluriprofessionnalité. In France, the training program is prescribed in a national repository of training. Only Institutes of Nurse Training (IFSI) are authorized to conduct training, in collaboration with the university with which the institute has signed a partnership agreement. The training lasts six semesters or three years. At the IFSI Saint Vincent revenues for nursing education are the first in February.
A training project approved by the pedagogical council is given to each student at the start of training.
training preparing the State diploma and professional practice of nursing aide b> aims at acquiring the skills to organize collaboration with the nurse. In France the teaching content and organization of training are defined by the decree of October 22, 2005 as amended relating to the training leading to diploma status as a caretaker.
The training lasts 10 months, from early September to late June. A training project approved by the pedagogical council is given to each student at the start of training.
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