The Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg is a state-approved church-owned university that was founded in 1971 from a body of several preceding institutions. It offers Bachelor and Master degrees in Social Work, Nursing and Health Care, Inclusive Education, Management and Ethics. Approximately 1.600 students from Germany and abroad are enrolled at Catholic University.
Another essential sphere of activity of Catholic University apart from teaching is the application-oriented research conducted at the » IAF – the Institute for Applied Research, Development and Further Education at Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg. Seven centres for research and development work under the roof of the IAF. The IAF is also the provider of further education programmes aiming at expanding employability and individual prospects of promotions.
All programmes at Catholic University Freiburg are aimed at conveying the values of a Christian view of mankind. These values help to guide our graduates in making ethical decisions and enable them to contribute to a socially oriented, functioning society.
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